Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pilates En Vogue!

In the March issue of Vogue Magazine in the article titled, “View From The Top” it discusses the enormous backlash to the recent NY Times Article, “Why Women Can’t Do Pull-Ups”.  The NYTs article focused on a study conducted by the University of Dayton.  The study concluded women are not physiologically suited to lift their own weight.  The Vogue article quotes may fitness experts who vehemently deny this.  They say while women are not by nature as strong in their upper bodies as men, they can absolutely build muscle and certainly gain the strength to perform pull-ups.  The article goes on to point out cardio is not enough and women need to strength train which builds muscle.  Benefits of strength training include increased stamina and resistance to injury.  
What is a great way to build muscle for women?  Vogue suggests Pilates (of course!) as opposed to traditional weight training.  As one expert says, “You can build specific muscles on weight machines, but that type of strength does not translate well to everyday life.”   
                                                    beyonce on vogue
Dont wait any longer, you can learn to do a pull-up too! Time to join the pilates community at the Easton Pilates Studio! We are focusing on "Getting Armed" for Spring/Summer! 

Easton Pilates Studio serving Easton~ Mansfield~ Canton~ Foxboro~ Stoughton~  Sharon~ Norton-
We welcome Stonehill Students


Monday, February 18, 2013

Commit to Change!

It is widely accepted by physiologists that generally it takes about 28 days to change a habit. In Pilates, we are reminded in class or in private sessions of many, many tiny adjustments that need to happen in order to have correct form.  When you have correct form, you are properly exercising and using your core as your powerhouse.  You are not relying on your legs, arms or neck to do the work for you.  This is how we build and strengthen our core and stop over-using muscles like our quadriceps to muscle through motions.
We must accept that with Pilates, your body is a work in progress.  We have great moments when we make a new connection.  “Wow, when I make sure my big toe is in my midline then I can feel how my under-butt is now connected!”  Sometimes it may be frustrating that you can’t seem to quite bend your bones enough to get a pose yet. We’ve all had those moments. Over time, these small adjustments we need to keep reminding ourselves of will eventually become habit and we can advance to the next stage. So keep coming to class, keep your awareness and connection of mind, body, and spirit and you will continue to see great improvements.
Whether you seek improved balance, core strength, lean thighs, a higher butt, less back pain, tight abs, greater flexibility, with Pilates the improvements to your body go on and on!  If you are thinking about starting a Pilates’ plan, what wait?  Spring is just around the corner!  Call Judy today to proactively commit to change your life through Pilates at Easton Pilates!
Easton Pilates serving Easton~ Mansfield~ Canton~ Foxboro~ Stoughton~  Sharon~ Norton-
We welcome Stonehill Students

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Weighty Matter

Are you working out in a gym, lifting weights and not seeing the results you want? Are you looking to cross train with your weight training or cardio?  Or maybe you just feel disconnected from your body. Whatever the reason,  Pilates’ exercises can offer weight resistance and offer a tremendous workout or compliment your current workout. Pilates’ exercises on the Reformer or The Cadillac can offer the same benefits as exercises done with traditional weights or machines. This is due the Pilates machines’ springs and how the body’s muscles must overcome resistance which the springs create. The springs, like weights, can be adjusted to create more or less tension.

In Pilates’ mat classes, one uses his own body weight as resistance to create long, lean muscles and strengthen the core. In Pilates, rings are also used to create light resistance.  Rings are placed on the inside or outside of the legs for lower body exercise, or held in the hands for upper body work. Flexibility is an additional benefit of Pilates’ exercises which helps decrease injuries. Pilates is low impact and easy on the joints and is known to decrease back issues.  At Easton Pilates, Pilates is offered to all levels and will connect your mind, body and spirit.  

Using springs as resistance

Easton Pilates serving Easton~ Mansfield~ Canton~ Foxboro~ Stoughton~  Sharon~ Norton

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Swan

Swan is an exercise focusing on extension and lengthening and a favorite at Easton Pilates! It is one of the a best exercises you can do as a counter stretch for the many forward flexion exercises in Pilates mat work. Swan opens the front-body, releases the neck, expands the chest and stretches the abdominals, hip flexors and quadriceps.

Swan also strengthens. While holding the swan pose, the abdominals completely engage and the shoulders, back, inner thighs, pelvic floor, glutes and hamstrings are working to lift you up and forward. Your mind is focused on fully extending, visualizing the crown of your head reaching for the stars, creating a beautiful swan pose as you feel your entire core engaged. How is your Swan pose progressing?

Easton Pilates serving Easton~ Mansfield~ Canton~ Foxboro~ Stoughton~  Sharon~ Norton

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Working It!

Check out Coco on the Cadillac! Looking great!

Easton Pilates serving Easton~ Mansfield~ Canton~ Foxboro~ Stoughton~  Sharon~ Norton