Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pilates: The Anti-Aging Excercise

A famous quote from Joseph Pilates, founder of Pilates is, “A man is as young as his spinal column.” These words resound true even more so today as we continue to uncover the benefits of Pilates. As we age, our body functions change. We experience loss of both muscle and bone mass, often with an increase in body fat. Our metabolism slows. Many of these changes are connected as a decrease in one of the body’s areas can lead to a decrease in another area. These changes can lead to health issues. However these changes can be counteracted with exercise, with Pilates being an optimal option that targets the systems and structures of the body that are most affected by aging. Since Pilates is a form of mind-body exercise that requires focus and concentration, it keeps the mind sharp and it is known that those who practice Pilates have improved productivity at work. Pilates is minimal-impact and can be customized for specific injuries and physical limitations. It is highly beneficial for increasing or restoring range of motion and function following an injury or an operation. Pilates strengthens the core which increases balance and coordination, improves flexibility, prevents overuse of particular muscles and supports injury prevention. These benefits transfer to activities in our daily lives such as proper bending, lifting, sitting, rising, reaching, and simply being aware of our posture and positioning. Many of us who sit in front of a computer all day recognize the importance of this! Pilates also leads to body awareness for joints. The practice of Pilates will keep your spine young and your body mobile without pain.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Synergy of Myofascial Release and Pilates

If you are experiencing pain in your body, the combination of Pilates and myofascial release is an incredibly powerful path towards healing. With Pilates, you strengthen your core, elongate your spine, correct your posture, and create good form in your everyday life, protecting and correcting your back and body. Through Myofascial release, deep relief occurs. Pain that may have been stored for years in your fascia is let go. Uniting these two practices is a recipe for health in mind and body. Myofascial Release is a practice that goes to the core cause of the problem to release the symptoms where traditional therapy, surgery, or medication has failed to produce results. The fascia is a tough connective tissue which spreads throughout the entire body from head to toe without interruption. It surrounds every structure in the body! A myofascial therapist will scan the whole body for restrictions and assess for postural dysfunction. After examination of skin and tissue integrity, the skilled hands of the therapist will apply light to moderate timed pressure into the fascia and wait for a release. The therapist will repeat this timed pressure into various areas of fascia until each restriction has released enabling muscles to stretch and elongate promoting a lasting effect. Here is a great video that illustrates what fascia is: (Magnified 25x during a myofascial release session).