Thursday, December 6, 2012

A New Beginning

As we near the close of another year, many of us look back and ponder what happened and what we would like the next year to bring. We keep hearing about 12-22-12 or the date some are calling “the end of the world.” If you do some research, you will find the Mayans do not believe this date is the end, but actually the beginning of a New Grand Era!  December 21-22 also marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, or as many cultures believe, a time for Rebirth. Then of course New Year’s Day will roll in and with it many of us make resolutions, to do things differently, to shake things up.      
If you have been thinking about trying a class at Easton Pilates now is the time to take action!  Already an Easton Pilates student, maybe try a new class or experience a Myofacial Release?  Let’s enter 2013 with an open mind and body, ready to become an even greater version of ourselves!

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