What can you expect from your commitment to Pilates? When can you expect to feel, see & get the difference? As Joseph Pilates said:
"In 10 sessions you will feel the difference"
"In 20 sessions you will see the difference"
"In 30 sessions you get a whole new body"
As one Easton Pilates students states:
"I am about week nine with Easton Pilates or about 18 sessions. I can say with certainty I already have huge results. Not only do I feel better mentally, my butt is lifted and abs are beginning to show. My legs are very strong especially in the hamstrings and my inner thighs are getting toned! In my everyday life, I stand better and sit with better posture. This is important as I am at a desk all day. I used to spend much more time at the gym with weights and at yoga classes, with less results. I have never felt better physically."
Where are you in your program and what results are you seeing? Not a student? Sign up for a class today and get ready to feel and see the difference!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
What's the Plan?
Strengthen~ Lengthen~ Wellness~
Mind-Body Connection~Flexibility
What are your goals for 2013? Whether you are already a highly-active athlete or a beginning Pilates student, learn how the Easton Pilates Studio can help you achieve your goals and improve your health. Call to learn more about specials for new students! Already a student? Try a myofascial release or schedule a private to review your 2013 goals! Make 2013 your healthiest year ever!

Sunday, December 16, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Joseph Pilates' Inspirations
Joseph Pilates wrote two books, Return to Life Through Contrology and Your Health: A Corrective System of Exercising that Revolutionizes the Entire Field of Physical Education. Below you will find inspiring quotes from Joseph Pilates' book: Return to Life Through Contrology:
“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Our interpretation of physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.”
“Contrology is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit. Through Contrology you first purposefully acquire complete control of your own body and then through proper repetition of its exercises you gradually and progressively acquire that natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your subconscious activities.”
“A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion.”
“Contrology is not a system of haphazard exercises designed to produce only bulging muscles. ... Nor does Contrology err either by over-developed a few muscles at the expense of all others with resulting loss of grace and suppleness, or a sacrifice of the heart or lungs. Rather, it was conceived to limber and stretch muscles and ligaments so that your body will be as supple as that of a cat and not muscular like that of the body of a brewery-truck horse, or the muscle-bound body of the professional weight lifter you so much admire at the circus.”
“Contrology develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind, and elevates the spirit.”
“Contrology is not a fatiguing system of dull, boring, abhorred exercises repeated daily "ad-nausem.”
“The art of contrology proves that the only real guide to your true age lies not in years or how you THINK you feel but as you ACTUALLY are as infallibly indicated by the degree of natural and normal flexibility enjoyed by your spine throughout life.”
“This is the equivalent of an "internal shower." As the spring freshness born of the heavy rains and vast masses of melting snows on mountains in the hinterlands cause rivers to swell and rush turbulently onward to the sea, so too will your blood flow with renewed vigor as the direct result of your faithfully performing the Contrology exercises.” 
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
I’ll Have What She’s Having
It would be so easy if all we needed to do was drink bottles and bottles of SMART water and magically our bodies would look like Jennifer Aniston’s, long lean muscles and ripped abs! It turns out celebrities like Jennifer Aniston not only seek out Pilates because of the gorgeous lean body it creates, -a must have in Hollywood- they understand the amazing health benefits Pilates brings.
“I’m a Pilates person. It’s great. I had a hip problem. I had a chronic back, a pinched nerve and a hip problem and it’s completely solved all of it. I love it. It makes me feel like I’m taller.”
-Jennifer Aniston
Thursday, December 6, 2012
A New Beginning
As we near the close of another year, many of us look back and ponder what happened and what we would like the next year to bring. We keep hearing about 12-22-12 or the date some are calling “the end of the world.” If you do some research, you will find the Mayans do not believe this date is the end, but actually the beginning of a New Grand Era! December 21-22 also marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, or as many cultures believe, a time for Rebirth. Then of course New Year’s Day will roll in and with it many of us make resolutions, to do things differently, to shake things up.
If you have been thinking about trying a class at Easton Pilates now is the time to take action! Already an Easton Pilates student, maybe try a new class or experience a Myofacial Release? Let’s enter 2013 with an open mind and body, ready to become an even greater version of ourselves!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Release Your Inner Ballerina!
Here is a great clip showing how a Barre Class not only works your core, legs, and butt, it also gives you a cardio workout:
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Raise the Barre!
What is a Barre class?
Barre: [bahr]
Noun: a handrail placed at hip height, used by a dancer to maintain balance during practice.
If you want to work the muscles in your butt, legs, abs and back (especially the inner thighs!), in a way they have never been worked before, then take your “seat” at the Barre! In the Easton Pilates Mat and Barre class, you will be taken through a series of classical Pilates’ exercises on the mat then we move to the barre for “standing Pilates,” where you will really feel the burn! Why wait for the New Year to start a new exercise focus? Start now!
As one student says, “I thought I had taken tough classes before, I have never experienced anything like this! While simultaneously intense yet relaxing, I could feel muscles I did not know I had; my butt, abs and legs are seeing the results I dream of. I’m hooked!”
Have you tried the Mat and Barre Class at Easton Pilates? Please share with us your results:
Sunday, November 25, 2012
“Rome was not built in a day and patience and persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate success of any worthwhile endeavor.” Joseph Pilates
As we begin our Pilates journey, we often experience immediate results that bring us a new perspective on our bodies. We discover new mind-body connections and watch our waists lose an inch! Some days we can do an exercise we were not able to do just last week. Some days we find we can hold a position for the entire count when just a couple weeks ago our legs were shaking and it seemed impossible! Sometimes we are frustrated that we still can’t hold a position for more than a few seconds or we still need to modify certain exercises. We must remember as long as we come with an open mind we are always moving forward; we will reach new goals and see our bodies change and grow stronger with each session.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 18, 2012
Time and Energy
As one student puts it,
“I always made time to attend classes at the gym or to go for a run. I always had a sense I was doing some exercises improperly and that my posture while running was a bit off. I figured doing exercise with a slightly incorrect form was better for my body and mind than no exercise at all.
Once I started Pilates with Judy Hudson, I realized that learning correct posture and awakening and connecting my core, had such an incredible impact on my physicality. I carry what I learn at Easton Pilates to my other workouts, making them much more efficient and requiring less time to get better results. I not only feel more connected and aware of my body and core, I feel mentally stronger and calmer as well, making all aspects of my life better.”
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Studio's Best Friend
Judy Hudson and her adorable Lab, "Bubba".
You can often find Bubba at the Easton Pilate's Studio lying by the door in his "child's pose".
You can often find Bubba at the Easton Pilate's Studio lying by the door in his "child's pose".
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
My Oh What?
Myofascial Release – what is that? Many people can’t pronounce Myofascial and have never heard of this practice before. Fortunately for her students, Judy Hudson can not only pronounce Myofascial, Judy Hudson is one of the few physical therapists trained in the John Barnes Myofascial method.
The fascia is a tough connective tissue which spreads throughout the entire body from head to toe without interruption. John Barnes is an internationally recognized physical therapist, lecturer, author, and the leading authority on Myofascial Release. Through his 50 years of experience and creative insight, he has developed an innovative and highly effective whole body approach for the evaluation and treatment of pain and dysfunction.
As one of her students says:
“I had been successfully working with Judy Hudson for treatment of back pain with private Pilates lessons and semi-private group sessions. After making tremendous progress in a short time, I inquired about trying a Myofascial session to see if this would further increase the progress I was making. Unsure of what to expect, I was delighted with the experience. Almost like a meditation combined with physical sensation, I felt my body releasing the tension I was holding on to. As Judy pressed onto key release points, I could feel sensations of previous pain melting away from my body. For days after the session, I felt energized, cleansed, uplifted, physically and mentally strong, clear-minded and incredibly healthy. I can’t wait for the next session.”
Learn more about Myofascial Release at: http://eastonpilates.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11&Itemid=15
Friday, November 9, 2012
Custom Order
As one student says,
“After years of running, power yoga and weight training I was frustrated by the lack of results I saw in my abs and butt, even after spending hours at the gym each week! I had resigned to accepting my flaws and chalked it up to the effects of 2 pregnancies. After finding Easton Pilates and Judy Hudson, I was reconnected to my core, abs, butt, hamstrings, and pelvic floor. I thought I was strong from my gym routine but I was so weak in those areas! I feel more confident with my body now prior to having children.”
Pilates can enhance everything you do once you are connected to your core. Your posture will improve and it will help maximize any additional workouts. You will see the results you desire.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Ouch my back!
Many students have sought out the knowledge and experience of Judy Hudson to help their back problems where traditional doctors, physical therapy and drugs have failed. Judy’s combined degree and experience as a Physical Therapist, joined with her many years of experience as a Pilates instructor and Myofascial therapist, give her students the rare benefit of all of these specialties combined in one instructor! As one student states,
“I was at a point of hopelessness with a bulging disc that was causing pain and numbness throughout my body. After months of trying physical therapy, yoga, steroids and other medications, nothing worked. I recalled a time when my back felt great when years earlier I was a Pilates’ mat student of Judy’s at a local gym. I called Judy and explained my situation. After our first lesson together, I felt immediately uplifted mentally and physically! After a few short weeks of regular lessons with Judy, my pain is all but disappeared and the horrible numbness I experienced has finally stopped! I am so grateful to Judy Hudson.”
Whether you have a chronic condition or daily back aches associated with working at a desk or the daily rigors of life, a customized plan at Easton Pilates can bring you the relief you seek.
Welcome to the Easton Pilates Blog! The Easton Pilates blog is a virtual place where our Easton Pilates community can come together to share our experiences, thoughts and inspirations with each other. We will be posting information and images about Pilates, the studio, Myofascial release, Judy Hudson, students’ experiences and upcoming classes. We welcome you to post your thoughts and share in our community.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
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